Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tribute to 2008

It's the new year.
Time to say goodbye to 2008 and look forward to the coming year but before that...
A little flashback to remember and be thankful for the blessings of love and lessons in life.

January: School. Uni Friends. Teddy. La Noche de Espanol. PAP.
February: Valentine's. Chinese New Year. Mid-term exams.
March: More mid-terms. Birthdays.
April: Finals!
May: Home. Friends. Teddy-lessness.
June: Home Friends. Muffins. New room. New life.
July: Responsibilities. 21.
August: Family Day. Pann's visit. 6 months!
September: Life.
October: AIM Night.
November: Finals! Home...
December: Penang. KL. Lata Kinjang. Car sandwich.

But through it all, God and love abound. =)

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