Monday, February 28, 2011

Update #1

Guess I should begin re-blogging with what happened when I wasn't blogging. Though it may seem irrelevant to the here and now but they're still what I've been through and a part of what makes me, me. =)

First up: My attempt at making shepherd's pie! =D
I'll leave the end product picture for later... Gotta create a build-up right? Some suspense. So... Here's the process.

Firstly,boil some potatoes until soft enough for you to mash into a smooth and yummy texture.
 Then, (obviously) mash it up. 

Next, (sounds so much like those high school essays!) prepare the beef/whatever minced meat that's gonna be the core of your pie. Added carrots and a (very modified) mix of sauces, as well as peas for some greens!

After that (or if possible simultaneously while preparing the meat filling - depending on your ability in the kitchen), melt some butter in a pan and add in the mashed potatoes. Feel free to add whatever you think is needed to improve the recipe. Life without creativity = no life.
Find a baking tray or any container that would go into an oven without melting or exploding and fill it up with your meat + vege mixture. Then evenly spread out the super fragrant mash potatoes into layer on top of that like so.
In the spirit of creativity, I modified the knife designs on the potato surface. =D
So finally, here it is. End Product:

 Lessons learnt:

Too much potato, not enough other stuff.  
Baking tray was way too big (too wide of a surface area).

But boleh pass bah kan? Compared to this - what it's supposed to look like. 
Hmm. On second thoughts. Maybe I should have tried a few more times before I posted that picture up. Hahaha.
It honestly didn't taste bad though. Promise. =)

Will experiment more, when I'm in the mood.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Alamak. I have to allocate a budget for the number of emo posts I'm allowing myself in a week! And definitely none back-to-back.

 But today, I guess I just need an avenue to 'release'.

The day started out pretty good. It was NOT difficult to get out of bed. I did NOT fall asleep during class. The assignment topic was finally pretty much approved. I got the book I've been waiting for.

 Then comes a phone call that's supposed to make my day even more cheery and sun-shiny but on the contrary, it brought about the opposite effect with the deliverance of not-so-great news. But I thought, I can't let this pull me down after such a great start to the day! And so I set off on a personal quest to distract myself from whatever negativity that was threatening to swallow me whole.

Not sure if it's working but I'm not wallowing in my mud-hole i.e. you're not reading a whole bunch of censored out expletives. So that's a good sign. =)

Now, I think I owe it to myself to:
  1. go back to my journals, preparing for exams and the mountain-high pile of assignments. 
  2. come back to this trusty lil blog whenever I can. =)

Lord please grant me Wisdom

to understand, or if not, please please grant me the serenity and grace to accept all the stuff that's happening. 'Coz i cannot seem to understand.

He said why do you keep texting and spending time on the phone? Then the realisation hit me that it's because I just don't enjoy his company, so i'm turning elsewhere for comfort. I'm scared that i'm feeling this way. But the fact is, I am. 

We are so different. We hold beliefs so different from each other. E.g.
  • I would do pretty damn much for a friend; but he asks "What, your friends don't have other friends to count on? Why do YOU have to go 'layan' everyone?" 
  • Success is a measure of how content one is, in every aspect of life, to me. But no, apparently success should be measured by the amount of money we earn. Because who isn't happy with money.
  • Hmm. And let's not even get into the whole racism thing. 
Dug up this old draft from many months ago, back in 2010. I do have a somewhat better understanding of it, but more importantly, I am a lot more accepting and much less resentful now. I guess I let that few differences cloud up my ability to see that we have a lot of other things in common. 
Thank You Lord. =)